The Food Inc, the Economic Hitmans, and the race videos are the ones that have all these similarities among them in order to show the similar aspects these 3 videos share and are discussing actually.Power is one main theme that relates each video to the other ones because it is a factor that can move out masses and chamge a lot of things in between the society. But in this distribution of power, there are some subgrouops in this theme such as Political Power, Social Power, and Economic Power.
The Political Power during this films is mostly shown by the companies of all this videos that are always trying to get through the governement of some other countries. They tell these countries that they will help them, the countries accept, and after that, the whole country is in a huge debt. The Social Power is shown in the race video, most of all, but it also is reflected in other societies of the other videos. For example the case of the white superiority that they believed that they were genetically better and some preserved that. And also, the Economic Power, that is totally involved in all of the videos. Like in the Food Inc video, all those corporations and entities hide all of their production processes to prevent the people really know how things are done. Huge debts, importatn decition making over poeple and even political entities.
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