domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014


Jose Julian Mesa Torres


Ms. Sierra & Mr. Patterson

Comparative Government & British Literature

                                                     I Will Succeed Manifesto

Since I was a kid, I was taught to shut my mouth and listen. Now is my time to speak out and scream all the things that I’ve passed through while my mouth was shut. The time to share the acquired teachings, and the dreams and passions that have settled in my soul. These things are the ones that motivate my bones to proceed to the future without fear. Motivation feeds up my hope, and hope keeps all my dreams alive with the expectation that someday they will come true. I may not yell my manifestations at people faces, but I may scream as hard as I can through this words.

There were many things in the past that helped me become the human being I am today. The main support for my formation was without doubt my family. Each person of the family without exceptions taught me a useful and important lesson throughout this path that we call life. Another great pillar that supported me was Colegio Panamericano and the people I met there. In the past 15 years that I’ve studied in this school I met tons of different people and each of them with different ways of thinking. Each of these mates I’ve passed time with at school, made a little change on me. Of course there were some people that made huge changes that were crucial to become the man I am today. Each friend that I’ve met at school shared with me memorable experiences through all the years I’ve been there. Also, each of these persons with their different ways of thinking taught me to respect them all. The reason the school was so influential in what I have learned and what I love right now was not only because of the intellectual knowledge it provided, but because of all the relationships I had the pleasure to be part of, the life lessons it gave, and the dreams that it cultivated in your heart through all the time you have been there until graduation.  But in my opinion, I think family and school were not the most influential pillars that have changed me in the way I am today.

The decisions I made for myself in a past whether they had a good or a bad outcome were the ones that defined the person who I am today. But making bad decisions was also winning in this case for many reasons. The making of bad decisions gave me the opportunity to learn from my own mistakes and understand them fully. Even though I committed thousands of wrong decisions and mistakes through life, I do not regret a single one. If any of these mistakes had not happened everything would have been different, and eventually I would be another person. Thanks to my decisions, my family, the school and the people I met there I was able to transform into the human I am today.

My name is Jose Julian Mesa Torres, I am an 18 year old young adult that is about to graduate. I am a sports lover, an athlete, a leader, a passionate dreamer, an animal protector, a senior, a friendly guy, a respectful man, and a music lover. In general terms, I am a remarkable person and many other things thanks to the people and things I mentioned before in my last paragraphs.

My plan right now is to apply all what I've learned from life, family, friends, school and myself into something that helps other people. To find a favorable use to this human being I have turned into. That is also the main goal and dream to which I stand each day hoping to make it real. Since I will become a doctor, I will apply my use and teachings into medicine. I want to become one of the most dedicated, helpful, and remarkable doctors at least in the country by giving my fully best to all my patients.  And even if I have to deal with difficult situations through this path I'll find a solution to them and learn from my mistakes in order to pursue my dream. As once Ms. Sierra taught me, to always give my very best and to pursue our dreams. We can also associate this to our Social Studies class because I think that we learn history in order to prevent the mistakes that our ancestors did and therefore give place to a better future. As Natalie Gulbis once said, "When you fail you learn from the mistakes you made and it motivates you to work even harder". And with this my manifestation will end to take course into the future, full of expectations, hope and motivation to be realized. “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined (Henry David Thoreau).”

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2014

Light Bulb Conspiracy

 The fundamental theme or subject that the lightbulb conspiracy talks about or even shows is planned obsolecense. We live in a society where we do not create items because we need them, but because we want somene thing new. Since about 1920 we live in a world full of planned obsolecense. In this case the lightbulb conspiracy was the one that is demonstrating the planed obsolecense. The lasting lights are a disadvantage for economy. Therefore they create lightbulbs that last less hours in order to generate more waste and make people buy more and more lightbulbs.

There are lightbulbs that can reach a duration of one hundred thousand hours, but these lightbulbs never reach the market. In the time of this conspiracy there was also the great depression. The strategy of the lightbulb selling was to make the people want the product. For example go shopping or start consuming are great ways to start this economy. An this goes by the hand with planned obsolesence, for example if a battery dies you need to buy a new ipod instead. All things are designed not to work after a certain period of time. 

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