miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

The plane crashed? Was it kidnapped?

The Malaysia flight 370 dissapeared weeks ago. This was a boeing 777 full of passagers that dissapeared from the phase of the earth. All the world was shocked because it was impossible that a huge plane dissapeared with no one knowing what happened or where it could be. All the scientists around the world started to investigate about the possible causes of this tradegy. Even the NASA decided to participate in this investigation. For everyone, it was incredible that a plane with the size of a 12 floor tower dissapeared and left no trace behind. 

For this tragedy many hypothesis were created in order to know what excactly happened to the plane. One of this hypotheis was that a meteriorite chrashed with the plane in which it caused to explote in the air. Other hypothesis said that the plane was kidnapped by a terrorist group during the flight. Even, some people believe that external creatures were involed in this tragedy. These hypothesis are still in test, but the world still does not know what really happened with this airplane. 

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Economic Hitman Reflection

Confessions of an Economic Hitman is an excellent book that shows us from the perspective of an EH, their vision of the world, their job, and their lives. The main character of the book is about to tell us how  his job was, and all the important events through history in a cronological order. John Perkins is the author and main character of this book. He is confessing how he and his partners impacted in other countries for example Panama and Ecuador.

This economic hitmans appeared in countries like Panama to make their dirty business. In Panama, the leader Omar Torrijos, stood strong in his position having great feedback of his people and support. The EHs wanted to negotiate the Panama Canal to get it back. Since Torrijos didn't wanted to negotiate with this people, he denied any proposal from the EHs and stood firm in his position. Because of his reaction, the EHs decided to do something. After some days, he died in an airplane crash "accident". Without doubt this accident was manipulated by the EHs of the U.S and the corporatocracy empire. And eventually, the next leader of Panama was controlled by the EHs for their benefit. 

Another country that was affected by this EHs was Ecuador. This case was really similar to the case of Panama and its leader. The United States wanted to intervene in Ecuador in other to get their oil. But the Ecuatorian leader, Jaime Roldos didn't want this foreign companies to practically "steal" their oil and for the explotation of the country. So, as the leader of Panama, he stood firm in his position and denied any negotiation with the EHs. After some days, another plane crash accident happened, eventually manipulated by the EHs. This were two of the many other countries that the Economic Hitmans impacted on.

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Lemon Tree Reflection

The movie Lemon Tree is an awesome film that shows and explains the situation in Israel and Palestine. The conflict that has been there since many years ago, is shown by both perspectives by this film. Salma is a Palestinian woman that lost his husband and the only thing that has left is a lemon tree grove near the barrier between Israeli and Palestinian lands.

The internal conflict of the movie starts because the secret service from an important minister tells him that the grove from Salma is considered a menace for him. Then everything starts flowing around this grove. And the grove little problem evolves into an international issue between Israelis and Palestinians. The grove news start appearing everywhere including television, radio, and even newspapers. Salma and her lawyer are in a legal fight between the Israeli courts and their are fighting back with each piece of evidence they can to support their ideas and save the grove. In the whole process they never fall back and only stood firm in their position. The most interesting thing in the movie is that even though they didn't won the fight, and could not prevent the grove from being cutted becuase of the injustice of those lands, they generated a big impact through the world and never surrendered. They created big impact because it was one of the first cases of that magnitude between Israelis and Palestinias. Also because it was one of the longests cases of this type ever existed.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Skateboarding blog.

Here is the link of a blog that I really like. http://skategypsy.blogspot.com/. Here you can find tons of cool stuff about skateboarding all around the world. Also you can find awesome images, videos, articles, etc..

Skateboarding, a lifestyle.

Skateboarding is not just a sport. Is not just an extreme act of ability and dexterty with your feet and entire body. It is definately more than that. Its passion combined with excercise, fun, friends, love and a lot of things. When you are on your skateboarding, riding down the streets feeling the cold breeze and the sounds of the wheels rolling, is definately one of the best sensationsnin the world. Its the freeling and liberty that this sport gives, that keeps people liking, loving and practicing this activity. 

In skateboarding there are some ranks that differentiate the athletes. Fro example, there are the "Pros", the "Amateurs", the "Flows", and there are the ones that don't have an official rank but still practice it and love it; for example me. All the athletes that has this official ranks are sponsored by someone. Either by a little clothe brand (Flows), store (Flows), or by huge and recognized companies such sports brands (Pros), or awesome clothe multinationals (Pros). Also this athletes differentiate in their dexterty in tricks,and  experience.

I'm just a begginer in this sport compared to all those excellent skateboarders out there. Even if I have practiced it for 4 years, I'm just a complete rookie compared to them. But I don't care, and enjoy snd love each time I put my feet on the skateboard. Definately, skateboarding is awesome.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

Israeli & Palestinian Conflict

Phil Reese is a journalist that spends part of his life time investigating the lifes of the terrorists, or the freedom fighters depending ont he point of view. In his show "Dinning with Terrorists", he shows and explains how he coexist wit all this people and how this terrorists ir freedom fighters prove their point. He spends time in both sides so he can show us the two points of view that this conflict with these people is showing.

This time, on his show, he is dealing with the conflict with the Palestinian and the Israeli people. On this case, the Israeli or Jewish people are eventually invading Palestinian lands. They kind of base their invasion on some religious texts and passages, for example the Tanaj. They settled in those lands as an invasion and now they think that those Palestinian lands belong to them. Phil, is trying to demonstrate and show both points of view; the Jewish one, and the Palestinian one. This conflict have lasted many years, and it seems to last some more.


Rease, Fill. "Dining with terrorists - Fighting occupation-28 Feb 09-Pt 1." YouTube, 2014. Web. 2 Mar 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzNWCltcqdo>.

           Rease, Fill. "Dining with terrorists - Fighting occupation -28 Feb 09-Pt 2." YouTube, 2014. Web. 2 Mar 2014. <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FYsBRq5l0U>.