miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

The plane crashed? Was it kidnapped?

The Malaysia flight 370 dissapeared weeks ago. This was a boeing 777 full of passagers that dissapeared from the phase of the earth. All the world was shocked because it was impossible that a huge plane dissapeared with no one knowing what happened or where it could be. All the scientists around the world started to investigate about the possible causes of this tradegy. Even the NASA decided to participate in this investigation. For everyone, it was incredible that a plane with the size of a 12 floor tower dissapeared and left no trace behind. 

For this tragedy many hypothesis were created in order to know what excactly happened to the plane. One of this hypotheis was that a meteriorite chrashed with the plane in which it caused to explote in the air. Other hypothesis said that the plane was kidnapped by a terrorist group during the flight. Even, some people believe that external creatures were involed in this tragedy. These hypothesis are still in test, but the world still does not know what really happened with this airplane. 

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